aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Friday, November 25, 2005

patriarchy <3!!!

i find myself increacingly unable to read pandagon. it's a shame, as for a few months it made my reading list each day. there was a definite shift both in content and in reader behaviour following the departure of jesse from the ranks, though. partly my growing distaste has to do with the style of the other bloggers chosen to take jesse's place - to be honest, they just really can't write - but most of it has to do with the huge uptick in feminist content. this is super-weird, because i started reading the damn blog for feminist content. unfortunately, most of what has passed for feminist content of late has consisted of 'omg teh patriarchy is SOOOOOO MEEEEEEEEN... and i think it is hiding under my chair! oh noes!!1!elevenone!!!!', and the standard response to any person daring to question any opinion voiced on the blog is for six different people to immediately call the dissenter a wicked, wicked rapist. (even if the dissenter is, you know, a chick. even if the dissenter is a chick who has herself been raped. doesn't matter.)

remember, kids, disagreement is the hallmark of the Tool of the Patriarchy.

Tool of the Patriarchy == RAPIST.

they seem literally to be parodying themselves at this point, though god knows it's not intentional. they are the islamofascist-huggin' america haters that conservatives love to squeal about. any sentiment deemed 'intolerant' - which is to say 'any sentiment that isn't MINE' - opens a floodgate of hatin'. it's really strange to see, and frankly it's creepy.


Blogger Greg said...

Some might say it is the stuff of which really awesome books about teh internets are made.

12/01/2005 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even read the comments there anymore -- I think a little trolling made everyone super knee-jerk in their reactions to dissent, and then everyone agrees with each other, and then it's even worse.

There's been so many shakeups there that I hardly read it anymore. I miss Jesse, like Pam, don't like jedmunds, and find Amanda's writing much more hit-or-miss than it used to be. Her post on the Hirshman kerfluffle was really good, though.

Bitch Ph.D. is a great blog.

12/02/2005 3:51 PM  

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