aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

just once, just once, can't i have all my goddamn hormones and neurotransmitters actually working properly? for, like, a week? because. that would be really nice. failing that, someone with a medical degree having some idea why they don't would be nice. failing that, having someone with a medical degree evince any interest whatever in figuring out why they don't, instead of absently saying 'well, that is very curious! here, have some more pills!' would be nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. The fact is they have no clue about neurotransmitters. "This does something or other to dopamine and serotonin, which have something or other to do with how your brain functions" is the state of scientific knowledge for the drugs I'm on. Though the actual reasoning process is more along the lines of hey, this works for epilepsy, maybe it will work for you!

3/30/2006 8:47 AM  
Blogger anne said...

hell, i'm taking epilepsy drugs for epilepsy and they don't know how they work. says so right on the PI sheet. that the drugs seem to have eaten my endocrine system is coming as a surprise even given that, though.


3/30/2006 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm, that is not so happy-making. also the thing on el salvador, not so happy-making either. The brownies, tho, they might be happy-making. Yes, I think so. my medical advice: eat more brownies.

4/08/2006 11:13 PM  

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