aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Thursday, June 07, 2007

so i got into st. john's.

somehow it seems kinda anticlimactic, after all this time.

any thoughts on whether i should enroll as a JF or wait til fall '09?


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, if you're not even gonna call yourself a febbie, you might as well wait until the fall...

6/07/2007 10:36 PM  
Blogger Mirabai Knight said...

Dude, congratulations! Dude!

6/08/2007 5:24 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth Sudduth said...

Yay!!! If you wait until the fall, what will you do with the time. If you don't have an awesome plan, you should go ahead and enroll as a "JF" (but you should call yourself a febbie).

6/08/2007 6:22 AM  
Blogger Remi said...

I'd enter as a normal freshman. What's the rush? Why put yourself through hell with no breaks for almost two years if you don't absolutely have to?

6/08/2007 8:26 AM  
Blogger Remi said...

Oh wait, Fall of '09 is more than a year away. Yeesh. That's a tough one.

(Also: YAY! I hope it is everything you want and more!)

6/08/2007 8:27 AM  
Blogger Julia Rios said...

If you enroll as a Febbie, you can have the rights to the traditional Febbie Nation Flag (we'll bring you a fitted sheet and everything), but you'll also have to struggle with possible burnout in Sophomore year. I changed schools and still had a major meltdown. An acquaintance was raring to go at the start of Sophomore year, but fell ill halfway through and was sent home. She never came back to the school. There are others like Moss, though, who survived just fine. You have a couple of things going in your favor: you already live in the area and have a connection to the campus, and you have a house. Your house is your sanctuary. That might make it easier. Also you are older than the average Febbie, so you might have a better idea of how seriously (or not) to take things. Whatever you choose, good luck! And congratulations!!!

6/08/2007 11:40 AM  
Blogger Julia Rios said...

Also, check your e-mail!

6/08/2007 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gone back and forth a few times about what I'd recommend, and what it comes down to is: there's a huge potential for burnout when you work straight through four semesters in a row, but the sense of accomplishment at the end of it (and the excitement of being one of the only people on campus over the summer) is pretty amazing.

The second semester of sophomore year really is the easiest bit of St. John's, so that helps a lot, if you make it that far. All in all, I think being a febbie (or JF) isn't as hard as it's sometimes made out to be, as long as you keep things in perspective, and as long as you know what you're getting into. I don't know if I'd recommend it in general, but I'd say it's probably not worth waiting a year and a half to avoid.

Also, what Julia said.

Finally, and most importantly, congratulations!

6/08/2007 11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no useful advice, but woo! Fuck that by-association shit!

6/08/2007 1:14 PM  
Blogger anne said...

gah. that should have been fall of '08, not '07.

i'm still... conflicted. most of the advice i have recieved thus far has been of the 'no, no, don't do it!' variety, save that i've recieved from Admissions, who are pushing the JF track. (and they don't call them Febbies here, which is very sad, and i don't care if it's more temporally correct because they start in january. bah!)

i was hoping, actually, by being a febbie, to find classmates slightly older than me. i'm already going to be almost a decade older than everyone else, and it makes me feel quite selfconscious, and waiting even longer does not help. i also find it hard to stomach the prospect of another year and a half of retail, which is probably all i have to do with myself until i enroll. there doesn't seem to be much febbie-bonding on this campus, though. perhaps if i had a flag, i could incite some...

it is a puzzlement. but i check my email!

6/08/2007 10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't have any useful advice, because its ultimately your decision, but based on what I've read here now, I'd say you should go for the JF option if you think you can hack it (I know you can) because waiting until 2008 even probably would suck.

6/08/2007 11:13 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I think Anne can hack it too, in the sense that I believe she can find the strength. Unfortunately, dealing with stress is not her strong point. Does that change anyone's advice?

6/09/2007 11:17 AM  
Blogger Julia Rios said...

Will she be working also? If she won't, will she be able to truly shut herself away from everything on weekends or breaks if she wants to? If she's not going to be working and will be able to get away, then I think she'll do fine. It's not undoable in itself, but when it gets combined with other life stuff, that's when it gets to be far too much, I think.

6/09/2007 12:06 PM  

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