i invite obama supporters to watch this. particularly the ones who tell me i only care about "identity politics".
my own personal Waterloo
i invite obama supporters to watch this. particularly the ones who tell me i only care about "identity politics".
Is your point that sexism has been rampant in American's reactions to Hillary Clinton?
If so: umm, who denied this again?
And... what does this have to do with supporting Obama?
As glad as I am that both a woman and a non-white person are serious candidates for the Presidency, I'm getting sick of this atmosphere of "if you don't want to vote for this candidate, you are feeding into the hatred of the kind of person the candidate is." This election has definitely turned over the giant rock that is America and revealed quite a few slimy things crawling underneath, no doubt, but that doesn't mean a Good Little Liberal isn't allowed to like Barack Obama more than Hillary Clinton (or vice versa). Regardless of who we support, we should all be mad as hell on seeing those clips or the many racist counterparts that are out there. But as long as the candidates themselves are behaving themselves (and with a few exceptions, I think they are, though of course it's impossible to ever know where these whisper campaigns are born) then surely the decision should come down to a personal appraisal of the candidates' merits, right?
i liked the video because it was nonpartisan -- or, at least, it supported my preferred candidate not by tearing down the other candidate, but by attacking the deformity and loathesomeness of the modern press corps.
i do think it's been harder for clinton to successfully deal with gendered attacks than it has been for obama to deal with race-based attacks. our society is simply more accepting of overt gender-based slurs than it is of overt race-based slurs. case in point: there is not a 527 organisation which was formed for the purpose of calling obama a nigger.
i think a lot of people have been blind to the sexism in this campaign. i think that's because, in our society, it is simply considered acceptable, in a way that racism is not. i am glad that overt racism is becoming less acceptable, and i'm comitted to calling out more subtle forms of racism, but it's also important to acknowledge the shocking amount of sexism that goes on all around us.
i found the video uplifting. i've stopped reading most of the blogs i've frequented for years because i can't stand the vicious abuse that's going on. and, you know, i'd like to say both sides are guilty, but the shit that comes out of some (many) obama supporters' mouths does, in fact, tend to be sexist. appalingly sexist. and, yes, they can be as sickening when calling out republican women, but that doesn't make it acceptable.
i'm not saying that Good Little Liberals have to support clinton. i'm asking all liberals to stop beating the shit out of each other, and i'd really, really appreciate it if more obama supporters stopped being so spiteful and mean.
hell, on a blog on the blogmass i was told, quite baldly, that the blood of the iraqi dead would be on my hands for the support of clinton. i've been told repeatedly that i'm voting with my vagina, that i'm selfish for wanting a candidate who will grant me the full rights of a citizen of the united states. it's not just people here, and it's not just people on political blogs. my own father-in-law is coming out with iterations of this. i'm tired of being told to wait. i'm tired of being told that my rights are somehow less important, and that my wanting them is somehow shameful and selfish, and that i disrespect the victims of torture by calling for a democratic candidate who won't do shit like campaign with anti-gay activists, or vote for SCOTUS justices like roberts.
if you're sick of the atmosphere, work with me to change it. i wasn't trying to shame anyone out of obama support. i was trying to explain why i'm so sick of being accused of only caring about identity politics simply because i don't prefer the Appropriate Democratic Candidate, and i was rejoicing, because i felt like the video, flawed as it was, expressed something i've been feeling.
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