aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

in my mailbox


TO: Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Safety and Security Office
RE: Bears

...and they wonder what keeps happening to the koi in the fishpond...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, bears! Do they go after the weak and slow moving?

5/21/2008 6:33 AM  
Blogger anne said...

the memo goes on to warn us that bears go after EVERYONE, basically. it does helpfully suggest that, when bears do try to eat us, we aim for their eyes with "anything close to hand, like rocks, sticks or binoculars". or the Big Red Plato would work, i'm thinking.

5/21/2008 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were going to list three things I would be likely to have close to hand when attacked by bears, I wouldn't immediately think "binoculars".

5/21/2008 6:31 PM  
Blogger anne said...

yes, 'binoculars' has caused quite a bit of puzzlement. i can only assume that the suggestions for How Not To Get Eaten By Angry Bears were lifted from a book or website designed for birdwatchers.

they're taking this bear threat seriously, though. there are flyers all over campus. flyers helpfully illustrated with clip-art pictures of OMG BEARS.

5/22/2008 2:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am reminded of this shirt. Bears just want love!

5/22/2008 4:27 PM  

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