aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Church of the Creme Egg

with easter and passover coinciding this year, there seems to be a lot of 'interfaith dialogue' going on. Meet The Press thismorning devoted itself to such a dialogue: catholics and protestants, rabbis and professors of islam, even one of those weird feel-good non-denominational mega-church pop-psychology self-help pastor-dudes. i flicked through newscasts, wandered the internet. much buzzing over the beauty of 'interfaith dialogue', how we grow strong through diversity, how we may differ in specifics of faith, but how we are all 'people of the book', of differing beliefs, but sharing belief in essentially the same god.

which is all sort of alienating, if you don't happen to believe in a god. the passion for Tolerance Of All Faiths, unfortunately, tends to exclude those of us who don't happen to have one.

what i do have, though, is easter candy. praise be!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the "People of the Book" mentality, though it's a start, is that it excludes all but three religions. Mind you, those particular three religions are in special need of sitting down and stopping shooting the fuck out of each other.

4/16/2006 4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And its only three religions in the broadest sense, considering the sects and divisions and splits that have occurred for the last 4000 years.

4/16/2006 11:01 PM  

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