aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Friday, June 06, 2008

how to make your graphic designer cry

they're making me work in MS OFFICE. it's too cruel. i've been expressly forbidden from doing anything in adobe! and i'm doing layout! not only am i having to use Paint... it's the paint inside of Word.



Blogger Remi said...


kill them all

6/06/2008 9:41 AM  
Blogger anne said...

i looked at them in disbelief, and they were like 'well, but what if i need to make changes? no PDFs!"i tried to explain the magic of Writeable PDFs and they wouldn't listen to me! i'm using MS Paint ON MY GRAPHICS MAC.


6/06/2008 10:45 AM  
Blogger Remi said...

Can't you import the graphics into word from photoshop? Or does it all have to be editable in one document?

6/06/2008 1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laughter and tears are locked in a bitter war inside me.

6/06/2008 6:49 PM  
Blogger anne said...

it had to be editable as one document. plus the person who wanted the damn thing sits directly behind me and would have started freaking out if my mouse started hovering over one of my evil, evil, mysterious non-MS icons.

but i lived. and i made the damn thing. and it SUCKED, because not only did i not have access to the tools i wanted, but the tools the thing does have are so clunky and imprecise. it was like trying to do fine calligraphy with one of those giant styrofoam pool noodles and a bucket of paint. while immersed in a vat of jello.

but so i did the project and i finished it and i mailed it to her and she was all 'oh that's so great! that's beautiful! hey can you do ANOTHER project for me?'


(they had to bribe me with pretzels)

6/06/2008 11:01 PM  

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