aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Friday, June 06, 2008

further job-hate: next month, i have to tend bar at a function being held at pat oliphant's house. pat oliphant is the dude who drew this, which appeared in the washington post last february. it's fairly reflective of the rest of his work, i'd say, in that he trades heavily in gender jokes, gaybashing, and the occasional racist caricature.

maybe i can do something unpleasant to his glass of chardonnay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does he even let women tend bar at his house? That's a very unfeminine action--almost as bad as running for president or having an opinion.

6/06/2008 12:07 PM  
Blogger anne said...

ah, well, i'm not sure the planners disclosed the gender of the function-gophers. they'd better warn him, though, since being a girl, i might get all emotional, and cry all over the canapés. but then again, providing teh menfolk with beer is one of the primary functions of the Feminine, so maybe it balances out.

6/06/2008 12:16 PM  
Blogger anne said...

(it really disgusts me that they chose this dude to host a cocktail party for the Summer Classics attendees. i'd hope the college wouldn't condone that sort of shit, but i'm not exactly confident.

6/06/2008 12:18 PM  

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