aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Saturday, August 25, 2007

sadly, they don't make TrapperKeepers any more.

for the first time in my life, i am preparing for a class. with a list of written questions, together with line notations. and with sticky notes, yet. who am i, and what have i done with me?

all of my paperwork is done. i was pleasantly surprised at my own efficiency. this isn't meant to be boastful -- efficiency, at least in personal matters, is not my strong suit. i have yet to finish the medical forms, but a whirlwind tour of weigel hall netted me the valuable information that, actually, no one is going to care about the medical forms, despite the scary boldface warning that NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO REGISTER without having submitted said forms. (i had to sing the greek alphabet to the PowerPuff Girls theme in order to secure this promise, though -- don't ask. sidenote: it also can be sung to the Jonny Quest theme, if you get creative with your verse breaks.)i even got them to correct my name, which they'd spelled wrong, and i've got hold of library copies of books that haven't made it out here yet. also, a new messenger bag, one which boasts of its ability to survive angry dogs, broadswords, and being set on fire. because, really, you never know.

while crossing campus, i saw the B&G dudes putting up banners for registration. i found this curious, at first -- it's nearly a week away, and it does, you know, rain and stuff, and why not wait til the day before? then i saw the effort involved, and realised why they'd budgeted themselves ample time: evidently, putting up three banners is an eight-person affair, with six people to sit on the grass under the trees and listen to AC/DC and two people to stare perpelxedly down at a roll of duct tape sitting on the concrete in front of them, each holding up their own side of a waterproofed banner, the middle of which sags in neglect upon the ground.

also, i have a new haircut. i don't know what colour to make it, though, since it's still a rather sad faded pink left over from the HP7 release. i've used that shade before, but it was a different brand, and evidently the awesome Glows-In-Blacklight! powers of this new brand make it hang on for longer than one would reasonably anticipate. i could just dye it pink again, i suppose, but a lavender might be nice.


Blogger mg said...

Oh, but they do, they do:

Gotta buy the Trappers separately now, it looks like.

Man, after all this time, tromping around campus in anticipation must be awesome.

8/25/2007 6:51 AM  
Blogger anne said...


::investigates link::

...aww, but without the Lisa Frank graphics, it's not the same. plus the closure's magnetic now. still, though, the one with the rainbows isn't bad...

8/25/2007 12:54 PM  
Blogger Julia Rios said...

I'm sad to see that the new trapperkeepers (despite being labeled "old school") have a very trapperkeeper 2.0 feel to them.

8/25/2007 2:42 PM  
Blogger anne said...

they do a side-by-side comparison, actually, with the Old School you and i know and love next to the New School. the primary differences seem to involve foam padding and eccentric angles.

i do actually appreciate the addition of foam in Trapper2.0, since they're going with a standard binder design. (but that isn't very trappy!)

the angles, though, not so much. and a magnetic closure? come on! the noise is part of the magic!

8/25/2007 2:59 PM  

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