aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Thursday, June 12, 2008

so i have a hardcore geek-crush on the college nurse praticioner. i just stopped by her office to beg some antihistamine samples, and got them (a whole fistful, along with decongestants and ibuprofen enough for a week), but also got both an explanation for my sudden allergy flareup (she tracks regional pollen counts, and today saw an unexpected spike in tree pollens, particularly scrub oak) and a side-by-side comparison of different OTC eyedrop formulations, focussing on mast cell inhibition and vasoconstriction. she is so awesome. if i didn't feel like someone had stuck a caulking gun into my right sinus cavity, i would totally have stayed for more pharmocogeekery. every time i go in, i learn something new, and usually she prints me out abstracts from journals to take and read at leisure if i'm interested.


Blogger Nate said...

That's absolutely awesome.

I also love the emerging legacy of the word "geek": anyone that has a freakishly extreme interest in a subject. It makes me think of the original geeks as strange and wondrous practitioners of a performance only appreciable by a few, just as crazy-specific tracking of pollen counts is pure wonder to only the select.

6/12/2008 12:43 PM  
Blogger Julia Rios said...

Wow, school health support that's actually good! Awesome!

6/12/2008 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what Nate said, only I find the notion of biting the heads off chickens Much more disturbing than the tracking of pollen counts.

6/12/2008 2:30 PM  

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