aleatory contract

my own personal Waterloo

Monday, September 03, 2007

'so what happens when we vindicate the platypus?'

aside from spending twenty minutes in the wrong language tutorial, i think that went fairly well. (indeed, after being intimidated all to hell by the first greek tutor, meeting the much-more-approachable mr levine was a treat.) also, lab pretty much rules. mr singleton provided, as supplementary material, a delightful pamphlet called Telling Animals Apart, which i would dearly love to scan and share with you all. in fact, i think i will ask him next time. no one else wanted to look at it, and i think this made him rather sad. the fools! they will be much disadvantaged when next they are faced with something Quite Large and Spotted!

today gets to be my last day at trader joe's. i feel kind of shitty just calling them and going 'so long, suckers!', but i think that's kind of what i'll be doing, for i am now being at work keeping it real in the coffee shop. (then again, it's not like management gives *us* advance notice with scheduling, and if they'd been flexible, i'd have stayed. turnabout is fair play.)


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